Why doesn't citrus fruit from the grocery store taste as sweet these days?
Why doesn’t my citrus fruit from the grocery store taste as sweet as it did years ago? Here's why:
Reality Sets In
I wish I could say that's it, the whole story, Voila!!!, now I'm happily living in the city, dropping by to admire my grove every so often, and raking in the money selling satsumas by the carload. I overlooked the part where trees have to get from little one-foot stalks with a couple of leaves on the top to those big, lush, glorious trees covered with fruit.
"Patty, Meet Mr. Caterpillar..."
There was never any real illusion that as a Florida citrus grower, I would be able to produce organic fruit. It's Florida, for heaven sake. We have nearly as many varieties of bugs as we have tourists!
Greetings! Welcome to my dream…
Greetings! Welcome to my dream…
Well, it may seem small at first glance, as dreams go. I grew up in this small crook of the woods in Cottondale, Florida, in the typical 1950’s small farmer’s family, where the land we lived on had been parcelled out and handed down among the heirs of my great-great-grandfather’s 1873 homestead parcel.